Customize our 52 pre-written chapters of wisdom to make a gift they will never forget.
The Best Gift you will ever give your children.
Be confident you are sending your children out with everything they need to know.
It's the perfect graduation gift
Our kids grow up too fast. Don't let them leave the house without giving them the gift of your wisdom
-Have you had all the conversations you hoped to have with your kids?
-Do you have confidence you kids will make the right decisions when they leave home?
- Are there hard conversations with your kids you don't know how to have?
-Are you worried you'll miss out on sharing your life's wisdom and love with your kids before they leave home?

Now there is a way to give your kids all the wisdom you wanted to in a form that they can take with them

- The process takes 20 minutes.
- Our books are well written and beautifully made.
-It is timeless biblical wisdom they can take with them the rest of their lives.
-It's the best gift you will ever give your children.
I know what is is like to see your kids grow up and leave the house. I have done it four times!
I know what it feels like to see your children leave home. I’ve watched four of my own leave the nest. I was worried that when they turned 18 years old they would stop listening to me. I panicked. There was still so much more wisdom left that I hadn’t had a chance to share yet. Time was not on my side and I had to do something.
I wrote one of these books for each of my children. It was the best gift I’d ever given them. It was such a success with them that I felt I couldn’t keep it to myself. I had to share it with the world. That’s why I created this website. I did all the heavy lifting so that you can receive the benefit of knowing you’re sending your child into the world ready to face life.

This was amazing. I never would have done this on my own.What a great gift for my son. Thank you!
-Scott, Father
"What an awesome idea! I have been looking for a creative and unique gift to give to my daughter before she leaves for college."
-Jean, Mother
"I created a book for my daughter for her 18th birthday. I enjoyed sharing parts of my story in each chapter and love that it is a gift that she can keep forever and read over the years. Thank you!"
-Janet, Mother
Getting started is easy.
Step 1: Create a free account, look around and see how easy it is.
Step 2: Use our 52 pre-written chapters to customize a book with your personal pictures and notes.
Step 3: Print and ship the best gift you will ever give your children.

At “52 Things To Know” I understand that you want to be a parent who sends your children into the world equipped and poised to handle any problem life might throw at them. In order to do that, you need to impart to them the wisdom and life lessons you have learned over the years. It really is one of the best gifts you can offer your children. The problem is that your kids are growing up too quickly. Time is not on your side. Before you know it, they will be gone. It is sad to think our kids will no longer be at home. As parents, we can get scared wondering if we’ve given them everything they need to make the right decisions in life. I believe that every parent should have the confidence that they are sending their children off to success. I understand because I have been there. I have sent 4 of my own children into the world.
I was afraid they would stop listening to me when they turned 18 years old. I wanted to send them out with confidence, which is why I wrote this book for each one of my children. It was the best gift I ever gave them. Here’s how you can do it: 1. Create a free account and look around and see how easy it is. 2. Use our 52 pre-written chapters to customize a book with your pictures and personal notes. 3. Print and ship the best gift you’ll ever give your children. So, create an account today; it’s time to stop worrying about missed opportunities and conversations and instead have the confidence that you gave them everything they needed before they left.